Monday, March 7, 2016

Hello Family and Friends!!

What another week! This has been the fastest week of my mission by far. On Wednesday we had Zone Conference with the second counselor of the area presidency Elder Alonso. At the beginning he called the leaders into a room and we had a small counsel about what were the major problems of the mission. We gave our suggestions and then he just dropped the hammer. He pointed out some things that we were doing wrong, Then explained what our really focus was in the mission. It was getting a little hot in there after a while! After we left the consejo, we started with the Conference and he dropped the hammer again. He told us that we weren't a bad or disobedient mission, just that we weren't meeting our full potential. Soooo we have a few changes in the mission now! It was actually a really big animo booster. We all returned to our areas super ready to work. 

The next day, Thursday, we only worked in our area half of the day. At 2 we took a bus to Tegus and stayed in the secretaries' house. It's always cool to hang out with them. Especially this time because Elder Johnson, Cabanatan, Scott, and I were all there. We just joked around a lot and had a great time. 

Friday rolled around and we had another consejo with Elder Alonso. This time he told us how he really felt. He pretty much let us know that the mission wasn't baptizing as much as it could because we weren't giving the example. He talked a lot about how we can contact people. He really focused on thinking of new ways in which we can talk to people. But not just regular new ways, ways that nobody had ever thought of. It was a little frustrating, but we made it out alive. We made it back home pretty late after. We just went to our normal citas.

On Saturday, all our citas fell. We were getting pretty down on ourselves because we had just received a ton of promises from Elder Alonso and nothing was going our way. We actually got stopped by two pastors that wanted to contend with us in the same hour! After walking around, contacting for a while, we found this lady named Rosa walking home. We contacted her and asked if we could share a message. She said "I already go to a Christian church." At that point, I was ready to just end the contact, but my companion asked if we could go to her house and share a message and she accepted! When we got there, we taught her and her daughter the message and invited them to church. They both said yes! So Sunday rolls around and 9 o'clock on the dot they're ready to go. We had a multi stake conference actually. Elder Duncan, Falabella, Meyers, and Anderson all gave talks in Spanish and the spirit was super strong! Rosa loved it so much. She kept on leaning over to us and saying "You're still going to make it on Wednesday at 2 right?" Or "Right at 2 you'll be at the house, right?" haha it was super special to see her so happy in church. 

This week has been a great week. I am super excited to see what this coming week has in store. I love you all so much.

Love, Elder Carter

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