Hey everyone!!
I hope this week has brought you guys a bunch of joy. I hope Halloween was great for you guys. Man, this time
in the States is one of my favorite times of the year. Autumn. That doesn't exist here in Honduras, but that's okay....
Nothing too exciting happened this week. It was full of a ton of work. We've really taken President Bowler's
challenge of 10 abrir la boca every day to heart. We were able to abrir la boca 51 times this week and that
was pretty good considering the circumstances of where we live. It's pretty rough though because most people
go to sleep at 8, but by 8 we still need 5 or 4 abrir la boca more. But it's fine. I know with all my heart that as we
complete with this goal, we will be blessed.
We haven't had much success in numbers this week. We don't really even have investigators that are
progressing rapidly to baptism, but the investigators we do have are completing with their commitments that we
leave. It's been great to hear that finally!! I just love when they keep their commitments. It gives me that extra
boost to keep teaching them. haha Elder Fredrickson always has so much faith for our investigators, but I
usually don't. If they don't keep their commitments for more than two visits, I just drop them. Or if they don't
go to church after 2 or 3 weeks...I don't know who's more right, him or me, but it's alright.
So November. November is the same here in Honduras as every other month. Hot. We just don't expect any rain.
It hasn't rained here in so long. It's been pretty rough because now the roads are super dusty. We're in one of
the coolest areas in the mission, but man, the sun gets hot during the day. If I got sent back to the South soon,
I'm probably going to die. But hey, Iré y haré lo que el Señor ha mandado va? I hope you guys have a great
week this week!! I love you all.
Love, Elder Carter.
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