Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Changes may be coming.

Hey Everyone! Another week. I'm not going to talk about the time, because we're coming up to an unspeakable time in my mission. Well, the change is coming to an end this Wednesday. We find out news about the changes tomorrow. To see if I leave or stay a month and a half more. It's pretty probable that I'm going to leave. President Bowler likes to rotate missionaries. And I like to get to know more parts of Honduras, so we'll see where this week takes me!

This week in Langue has been really chill. We've been challenging everyone we see in the street and we've gained a little reputation. We contacted a person and as we were talking, he asked, "Are you guys really going to ask me if I want to be baptized?" We kind of just laughed and said yes. He didn't accept, but at least he now knows our purpose as missionaries!! This week we were teaching our investigator Mixi when she received a phone call. Her abuelo had passed away. We were actually teaching the Plan of Salvation at the time. That happened on Saturday. We haven't been able to get in contact with her since then. She left for Tegus that day. So just as a favor, keep her in your prayers. I really hope that she can embrace this gospel in a time like this in her life. It's really been a pleasure being able to teach her. She's so accepting and open about what we teach her. It also really helps that her best friend is the Branch President's wife. 

I was able to go on divisions with one of the Zone Leaders this week. Elder Laureano from the DR. He's a stud. He was also my ZL in my last area. I was able to learn so much from him. We were teaching a menos activa family and decided to read Ether 6. This has become one of my favorite passages from the Book of Mormon. especially verse 8. In this part of the story, the Jaredites are already in their boats in the middle of the ocean. They have already seen soo many miracles with the rocks of light and the confusing of the languages. In the verses before it says that the Jaredites praised their God and prayed to Him day and night. Then in verse 8 it says "And it came to pass that the wind did never cease to blow towards the promised land while they were upon the waters; and thus they were driven 
forth before the wind." 
I love this verse because it talks about the faith that they had. The wind literally never stopped blowing to the Promised Land. That didn't happen just because it was the will of God, the Jaredites had to put in their part. It also says that they were on the waters for almost a full year. Imagine what kind of miracle had to have happened in order for them to arrive safely. I love the Book of Mormon so much and the small treasures we can read in it every day. I love you all so much. 

Love, Elder Carter

1 comment:

  1. I read chapter six this morning!!!! I had the same thought about the wind and showed the kids on a map where they started and where they ended and asked if they could live in a capsulized boat for one year. The faith of the Jaredites was exemplary! Thank you, E. carter for demonstrating yours! Bishop M
