Monday, July 20, 2015

Rain and Lluvia

Hey everyone!

I hope it's nice and cool in the states or wherever you're serving your missions, because in Honduras, it's hot. We've been receiving some rain though. Yesterday we were actually contacting about 2 hours away from the house when the storm hit. Lighting was striking all around us and it was starting to flood. By the time we made it back to the house, we were soaking wet and my Missionary Manual was completely wrecked. Luckily I had put my scriptures in a plastic bag! Other news...We're going cave exploring today in our area. I'm super excited for that. They tell a story here that in the cave and angel fought with satan. In the end, Satan lost and the angel slammed him on his back. There's and imprint of a human spine inside, so we're going to check it out. 

SO this week, the work has been pretty chill. Like I told you guys last week, we've been trying to focus ourselves on helping members gain testimonies. While doing that, the members have entrusted us with references. We've been able to teach these people with the members present in the lessons. There is nothing better than that. The lessons are always more effective when the investigator has his friend testify of the truth! We also worked with the branch council yesterday and planned a Relief Society activity. This is going to be the first Relief Society activity in years here. The sisters are super stoked. One sister said that she's going to invite five friends. With our spare time, we were able to contact a few houses as well and at one house, we found a young couple that are excited about this message. They had received the missionary's before, about a year ago, but the missionary's just stopped coming one day. They only have one problem, they aren't married!! So we really need some prayers for Yaneli and Milton! 

Sorry for the short letter everyone! I'm rolling up on my 40 minutes. But Iove you all. Just remember the church is true, no matter what anyone says!!

Love, Elder Carter

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