Monday, March 9, 2015

Every man is my superior in that I may learn from him.


So we had changes last Wednesday. Elder Workman is gone and fulfilling that next part of his life back home. Like I've said like a thousand times, I've learn so much from him. But, now it's time to look forward and focus on the next 6 weeks.

My new companion is Elder Villanueva. He's from Nicaragua. He's a good Elder. He likes to serve and teach the people. His teaching style is very different that what I've adopted from Elder Workman, so it's been a little rough starting. He doesn't like me teaching too much, but that's probably just what he's used to. We'll be able to come together and teach well soon. 

So the title of this email is something that Elder Workman gave to me before he left. He explained that not everyone teaches the way he does. And even though in my eyes, that's the best way to teach, we always have something to learn from others. So that's my goal this next 6 weeks, to really find what my companion have to offer. I'm sure that in 2 or 3 weeks, we'll be working very very well together. 

So this week has been a little rough with the work. We were going to baptize Mayenci, but she didn't come to church again. So we really need to buckle down with her. She's on vacation right now too, so that's a little difficult.

Okay! One of our investigators is named Olga. She's the mom of two children, Cindy and Lucia. She makes us lunch every day. We had taught her the Book of Mormon and it just didn't click with her why we needed it. We explained that it really was another testament of Christ. And that this book, like the Bible, talked of Christ and no one else. She still had questions, so we decided to watch The Testaments with her. We watched it and in the end, she was crying pretty hard. I shared my testimony that Jesus really is our Savior. And that The Book of Mormon testifies of this as well. The spirit was so strong. We invited her to read 3 Nefi 11 and we still have to verify with her tomorrow. I'll keep you updated on how it is!! 

Thank you guys so much for the scriptures, I know they're going to help so much. I love you guys!

Love, Elder Carter

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