I'm leaving on a jet plane....on Tuesday!

Okay so I guess there was a tiny mix up. Haha totally my bad. So I leave the CCM on Tuesday morning at 2:30. I love it here but I cannot wait to leave!! We fly to El Salvador and then have to hustle to our terminal and board like 20 minutes after we land. It will be an adventure!! So this week has been really weird. It's gone by super fast and I haven't been able to retain much. We've worked so hard on spanish and I've learned a lot, but I'm so tired by the end of the day. Best part of the week. one of my teacher Hmna. Vanderas brought a guitar!! So I tuned it up and played it for 2 days straight. Oh it was so nice to play again....Yesterday we had the opportunity to introduce some new Elders into the CCM. That was a really cool experience. It's so wild that 6 weeks has already passed by. They thought my Spanish was excellent, but they were as green as green gets. We also taught a couple "Investigators" yesterday. haha it was soooo awkward. First off. One was named Cassandra and she was 21 and the other was Abish and she was 16. The whole lesson they were giggling and staring at Elder Quick. Then they said they were both member. (Totally knew that...Abish....) and then everytime we brought up a principle, they explained it to us. So...bad teaching experience! But for class we started working on street contacting. When we started that, it felt like I had learned nothing here. It's so hard to express to someone in 3 minutes a message that is going to change their life for the eternities! But Elder Quick and I practice with the construction workers here when we can. It's all becoming so real! I can't wait to get to Honduras and just baptize and baptize! Thanks for all that you've done for me! the prayers help so much!!! And the pictures were so nice to receive! So I totally lost my camera cord. This is so weird. I thought I brought it in here, but maybe not! I'll try and send pictures as soon as I find it!

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