Monday, June 29, 2015

Service, service and service!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Big ole 20

Monday, June 8, 2015


Hello family and friends! I hope this week has been a great week for everyone. I guess it's getting pretty hot there in the United States! It's always hot here. Actually it's started to cool down a bit. It rains about every day now, and will continue to rain until September.

I've personally been doing better. I'm on medication that has really been helping me get rid of this bacteria. It's not bad. The worst part is the Pepto 4 times a day. That's really rough. Oh and we haven't found any more scorpians in the house! 

The work has been extremely hard. Remember Alcides? Well, he's had some difficulties pass him. He's had people come into his life and talk bad about the church and just flat out told him lies. Now he doesn't read the Book of Mormon and he didn't attend church yesterday. We actually only had 13 people not counting children at church yesterday. He also is talking about moving 3 hours away in Choluteca. Also an other investigator named Samael doesn't want to put a baptismal date. We doesn't want us to impression him.

We've put a lot of our strength and energy into contacting and other churches have seen this. The churches in this area have really upped the heat against us. They now say that we don't believe in God, so we've had many doors slammed in our face. But that doesn't discourage us! We keep contacting new people every day. Up to this point, we don't have any note-worthy contacts. But we will keep you updated. 

We have been teaching classes of English though. We have a really small class right now, but really expect that to grow. Doing this, i think, will be able to grow our investigator pool.

Well everyone, I'm sorry this is short, but we have to get to work. We've made some big goals for this week, so expect a better email next week full of miracles!! I love you all and always remember to read the Book of Mormon. Honestly, you will find peace, love and purpose in your life with this book.

Love, Elder Carter

Monday, June 1, 2015

Stool samples and Scorpions

Well. You can get an idea of how this week went from the subject. I took a stool sample tuesday and found out I have bacteria in my stomach. I've been having really bad stomach pains all week that has almost completely stopped the work. Today I received medicine though. Hopefully this will take care of everything. It's been a rough week just to lay in the house, but I've had almost no energy as well. We got to leave on Saturday though. We worked a bit, not too effectively. But when we got back from working, there was a scorpion on Elder Fernandez's bed. We killed it pretty quick. That was actually the first scorpion I've ever seen and I found out on Saturday and I have a giant fear of scorpions. I actually haven't slept at all since then, just thinking about them.

Our investigator Alcides was going to get baptized on Saturday, but he couldn't because he went to San Lorenzo for medical treatment. We have a cita with him tonight and we'll program a date for this Saturday. He's such a great guy, but he had a stroke about 4 years ago that disabled him physically and mentally. He gets frustrated a lot because he can't understand. BUT! He read the whole Book of Mormon in one week! We were blown away! 
Anyway. Thank you guys so much for your support! I love you all. Until next week...
Love, Elder Carter